How To Make Cheesy Au Gratin Potatoes

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An old standby that never disappoints is the agreeable combination of cheese and potatoes. The creaminess of au gratin potatoes is hard to pass by. It’s one of those dishes that you just can’t say “no” to. Although the dish is very simple to make, every time it is served will feel like a special occasion.  The French definitely knew what they were doing when they decided to marry tender, sliced potatoes, a classic white sauce, and creamy cheese. You can mix up the variety of potatoes and cheeses used for a different flavor, even though you won’t get tired of this dish any time soon. In this video, Chef Mark will show you how to cook wonderful cheesy au gratin potatoes in just a few steps. For more great cooking demonstration videos, subscribe to the LearnToCookOnline YouTube channel.

Au Gratin Potatoes Recipe

1 ½ pounds 80 count or large potatoes, about 2
1 tsp. sea salt
1/4 tsp. ground white pepper
1/8 tsp. nutmeg
6 oz. gruyere cheese (swiss) grated
6 oz. milk
6 oz. heavy cream
2 egg yolks

1. Peel potatoes and store in water
2. When ready to assemble, cut into very thin slices (1/16 inch)
3. Layer the potatoes in a buttered baking dish or an au gratin. Season with salt, pepper and a very small amount of nutmeg. Sprinkle with a little of the gruyere cheese. Repeat until all the potatoes and cheese are used up with your last layer being seasoning and cheese
4. Combine the milk and half the cream in a small sauce pan then heat to a simmer. Beat the egg yolks with the remaining cream, and then temper the egg mixture with a few ounces of the warm milk. Then slowly stir the tempered egg mixture into the warm milk mixture
5. Pour the milk mixture over the potatoes
6. Bake uncovered at 350°F until done, about 45-50 minutes

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