Mixed Berry Preserves Recipe

Mixed Berry Preserves Recipe
Serves 4 ½ pint jars
1 lb. strawberries
1/2 lb. blueberries
1/4 lb. raspberries
1/4 lb. blackberries
1-2 cups sugar

1. Mix berries with sugar. Bring mixture to a boil, stirring until sugar is dissolved
2. Lower heat to a simmer. Cook to gelling point, stirring frequently
3. Skim off white foam that rises to the surface
4. Ladle into sterilized jars leaving 1/4 inch headspace
5. Refrigerate when cool, or can using the water-bath process

If you like this post, please be sure to check out the following!

How To Make Strawberry Jam
Cooking Basics: The Differences Between Fruit Spreads

If you have questions or comments about this recipe please leave them below.

One Comment

  1. I see there is NO PECTIN. . . . WHY??
    Is there a reason??
    I have Made Peach Jam before awithout Pectin, it was so running It was more like Syrup.
    Please Reply. Curious as to WHY?? Thanks