3 steps to delicious, baked honey-mustard chicken

3 steps to delicious honey mustard baked chicken.There’s no reason that a delicious, home cooked meal needs to take up the entirety of your evening. This recipe for baked honey mustard chicken shouldn’t take you more than an hour (assuming that you’ve prepared the marinade) and will have your friends and family thrilled with your culinary prowess. Perfect for amateur chefs, students taking online culinary courses or anyone who appreciates well-prepared chicken, this recipe is sure to become a favorite at your dining room table. Here’s what you’ll need: 6-8 chicken breasts, 1 teaspoon of paprika, ¼ teaspoon of ground black pepper, ½ teaspoon of curry powder, 3 tablespoons Dijon mustard (prepared), ¼ cup of honey and 2 tablespoons apricot jam (optional). Then  just follow these steps for a wonderful dinner:

1) Prep the chicken
Arrange the chicken in a large roasting pan, making sure that the pan itself is non-stick or that you grease the edges to prevent burning. Sprinkle the chicken with the paprika, pepper and curry powder, but feel free to deviate to your own personal tastes.

2) The marinade
Now for the fun part: making the marinade for the chicken. Combine the mustard and the honey in a bowl, mixing until entirely even. Once the mixture is homogenous, you’re ready to pour it over the chicken, which should already be set in the roasting pan. If you’ve decided to use the apricot jam in your recipe, for a sweeter, less tart final product, include that in your marinade and mix in evenly before applying the marinade to the chicken. Let the chicken sit in the marinade at least for an hour, though overnight is best if you have the time.

3) Bake
Preheat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit and bake the chicken for roughly one hour. Make sure to baste the meat frequently to prevent it from drying out while cooking.


  1. Hi I like your recipe,how could you make ground beef with potato

  2. I really like this my family will have a different test of chicken