How To Make Pate A Choux

If you don’t know right off the top of your head what food we’re referring to, you’re about to get really excited. Do you know profiteroles, eclairs, French crullers and beignets? You know how amazingly delicious they are and how much you love the way the dough just kind of melts in your mouth and tastes like heaven? Pate a choux is that. Well, it’s the dough. But as we know, when it comes to pastries in the culinary arts once you have the base you’re just about 80% there. Sweet, beautiful desserts are just a little custard, powdered sugar or chocolate icing away. Plus, this is by far one of those recipes that once you learn you’ll get a lot of miles out of. Dinner parties, birthdays, showers, barbecues—you’re going to be set for many future occasions. I mean, come on. Have you ever heard someone say that they didn’t like an éclair? We didn’t think so.

In this online pastry class, we show you how to make your own pate a choux so you can enjoy some of the best desserts French cuisine ever created. All you have to do after that is learn to cook your custard and chocolate to make them into beautiful desserts.

Pate A Choux
8 oz milk
8 oz water
1 1/2 tsp salt
2 tsp sugar
7 oz unsalted butter
10 oz all-purpose flour
9-10 eggs

  1. Preheat oven to 425F. Prepare pastry bad with a plain tip and line a baking sheet with parchment.
  2. Bring milk, water, salt, sugar and butter to a boil in a saucepan. Make sure the butter is completely melted.
  3. Remove from the heat and stir in the flour. Return the pan to the stove and mix until the dough pulls away from the side of the pan and begins to leave a film on the saucepan.
  4. Place the dough in a mixer bowl and, using the paddle attachment, mix on medium speef for a few minutes.
  5. Mix in the eggs one at a time, until the mixture is firm and shiny. All of the eggs may not have to be used. Do it until the mixture has thick threads.
  6. Place the paste in a pastry bad and pipe in a line on the sheet pan.
  7. Bake at 425F for 10 minutes and then lower temperature to 350F and bake for another 25 minutes, until the shapes are brown and dry inside.
  8. Let cool and then fill.
  9. Make small slits in the end with a pairing knife and fill with pastry cream.
  10. Dip tops in melted dark chocolate and pipe lines of melted white chocolate.
  11. Serve.

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