How To Make Pudding

Follow along as Chef Susie makes vanilla pudding. If you like this video and recipe please share using the links below and make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Vanilla Pudding Recipe

2 cups of milk
½ teaspoon vanilla
1 oz. corn starch
4 oz. sugar
2 eggs
2 oz. butter

1. Mix ½ cup of milk with the corn starch in a bowl and set aside.
2. Put the remaining milk, butter, sugar and vanilla in a pot and bring to a boil.
3. Pour about ¼ cup of the warm mixture into the bowl with the corn starch and milk to temper it and slowly pour that mixture into the hot mixture on the stove stirring constantly with a wisk until thick and starts to boil. Pour into a bowl , let cool off, cover and refrigerate for about 2 hours.

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